Business Strategy Human Resources

How To Write Emails Professionally

This blog is a direct transcription of our Youtube video: How To Write Emails Professionally – My Golden Rules And A Fail-Proof Structure To Help You Succeed


One of the things that you’re going to have to do when you start a job is to write emails. Now no one ever tells you how to write good emails and you can pick up some really bad habits. So we’re going to go through how to structure an email and the 10 golden rules for writing effective emails, so stay tuned.


There are many apps that are out there designed to get rid of emails. The thing about it is they’ve failed, emails are still there, and people use them every day. So we’re going to go through the dos and don’ts of writing good emails so that you can be effective in your job.


How to structure your emails to communicate effectively – I’m going to give you a four-point structure for how to write emails so it’s easy to remember.


First point. The first sentence should convey exactly what this email is about. If people don’t know what this email is trying to communicate by reading that first sentence, then it’s not working.


The second point is, that you should write a couple of paragraphs of information. Maybe less which could convey the main points of the email. 


Third point. The last sentence or last few dot points should next steps or key questions you want them to answer. 


Fourth point. If you have further detail, it should be an attachment rather than making a really long email. Just a tip, you should attach the file before writing the email because many people forget to actually attach the document and then send the email referring to an attachment. Now some email tools remind you of that, but some don’t. So best have the practice to put it in there first.


My 10 Golden Rules for Email Writing:

  1. Write out your feelings in a draft email.

The first one is when you feel emotion, anger, or upset and you want to write someone an email, here’s what you do. 


Don’t put anything in the two sections and just write the email, just write how you’re feeling, I’m angry, I’m upset, and you did this, and you did that, and all those sorts of things. Now put that email to one side, don’t send it. Go to sleep, wake up the next day, get that email out and read it out loud to yourself. If you still think it’s a good idea to send it, then maybe do that. Most likely it’s not a good idea and you won’t send it. The best thing to do is have a conversation with that person when you’ve cooled down.


  1. Don’t send an email to a group, asking “someone” to take action.

So my second golden rule and I really like this one, is don’t send an email to a group of people asking someone to help with something. It’s going to result in a group thing and no one going to do anything most likely or if they do, it’s a bonus. If you get disappointed and upset and nobody takes action, that’s just because you’ve just sent it out into the world. If you want someone to do something, send it to one person and say, can you please help with this? If you need multiple people to help, put in a little bit more effort and send that same email to different people and say, I’m looking for some assistance. That way, that person knows you’re asking them specifically and you’re not going to be as disappointed as if you send it to a group.


  1. Don’t reply to emotional emails.

So my third golden rule relates to the first golden rule in case someone has sent you that emotional email. Now the first thing does not reply to that email whatever they’ve said. Pick up the phone, go see them, organize a meeting, and engage in a conversation. Otherwise, you end up with this angry email tennis that doesn’t result in anything except for a bad relationship.


  1. Have different ways of wishing someone well.

Okay, now the fourth golden rule and I know this is hard because people can get tired. But when you hope that someone’s going well in that first sentence, try and mix it up a little bit, try and personalize it otherwise it can come across as though it’s just this sentence that you’re writing before you get into the main email.


  1. Explain the purpose of the email you’ve forwarded.

Rule number five is when you’re forwarding an email, don’t just flick it across to the other person, expect them to work out why you’re brought into them. Write what the purpose is affording it to them and what they need to do. And one important tip, check through the email chain to make sure there’s nothing confidential or sensitive in there that’s going to cause trouble.


  1. Number your questions.

So rule number six is if you have questions that you want people to respond in, don’t scatter them throughout the email so they need to actually try and find them when they’re going to respond to you. Have them in point form towards the end or even better, have them numbered. That makes it really easy to make sure they cover everything.


  1. When asking, do not give a directive.

Rule number seven, Now this one’s a little bit subtle and some people may not quite get this to begin with. When you’re asking somebody for something, It’s best to not give them a directive as in please do this by this, especially if they’re more senior. It’s good to subtly let them know that hey, if you can please get me this by this date then that would be fantastic. What that is that’s presenting information that you want that’s that done without actually directing them. 


  1. Follow up after sending an email.

Okay, rule number eight and I bet your manager is going to like this one. If you send somebody an email asking for something, you can’t just say your job is done and walk away. It’s possible they haven’t read the email, It’s possible they’ve forgotten about it and they’re not going to take action. Your job is to follow up and make sure that they’ve got it, they understood it, and they actually will respond to you on the action that you need them to take.


  1. Give people time to read your email, before following up.

Rule number nine, and this is something that really frustrates other people, Is if you send an email to someone, don’t call up or go up and say, I just sent you an email have you read it? That creates a whole lot of angst for other people. Give them some time to look at it first if you’re going to send them an email rather than following them up on the spot.


  1. Spell a person’s name and company correctly.

Rule number ten is to spell the person’s name and company correctly. Don’t misspell the company name, especially to the company owner. This just shows that you don’t care and don’t have attention to detail and then brings down all the other great things that you’re trying to do.


Final Thoughts 

Okay, so those are the 10 golden rules for writing emails. Just one bonus rule and this is a catch-all rule. 


Never send anything that you would not want to be blown up to poster size.


If you’re not comfortable with someone printing off that email, blowing it up on a poster, and showing it to everybody, don’t put it in an email. Because there’s every chance that gets shown to other people and you don’t want to be red-faced for that.

Human Resources

What Happens If My Employer Overpays Me?

This blog is a direct transcription of our Youtube video: What Happens If My Employer Overpays Me? 4 Reasons Why You Should Always Tell Your Boss


Have you ever been overpaid by your employer or known someone else who has and at the time have you wondered what to do? I’m going to tell you from my personal experience what you should do and what you shouldn’t do in that situation. So stay tuned for four compelling reasons why you should always tell your employer if you’ve been overpaid.


Should you declare to your employer that you’ve been overpaid?


Now I like free money, who doesn’t like free money? If you get that free money in your bank account one fateful day, you look in there’s a little bit more money. The question is, what should you do? should you let your employer know, or should you actually just let it keep going and maybe they won’t find out? I’m going to give you four compelling reasons why you should actually tell your employer and why it’s going to separate you from the pack.


Reason #1

Now the first reason which you might not be aware of when it happens is, “they’ll eventually find out.”  Now they could find out a week later, they could find out six months later. But, it’s gonna come out at some stage and it’s far better that you tell them than they tell you. When they tell you and you’re like oh, uh… I didn’t, I didn’t know,  they don’t actually believe you because they know when people are underpaid, the majority of people identify it. 


Reason #2

Now the second reason is that, all of their trust. Now imagine you’ve built up this trust over a period of time, you’ve been there for three years, and people know you, you’re trustworthy in terms of work you do, you’ve built this reputation. The point at which they realize is that you’ve accepted money that’s not yours, and you’ve not said anything about it, that trust goes down the toilet, a little bit like a sand castle that just gets smashed that you build up for many years. So that’s another reason why you should definitely tell them.


Reason #3

The third reason is that you actually have to pay it back, it’s not your money. So if you’ve been overpaid 500 dollars or 5000 dollars, and you’ve spent that, it’s essentially been a loan that you’ve taken, and you’ve got to pay it back. So every time that you get paid, every week, month, or fortnight, there’s going to be an amount that’s deducted and you’re going to be reminded of this thing that you did, or didn’t do. That was a mistake and you actually haven’t benefited financially at all.


Reason #4

Now the fourth reason why you should tell your employer that you’ve been overpaid is that you will stand out from the pack. Remember I said that nine times out of ten people actually don’t tell their employer and only one person out of ten tells your employer? If you become that one person, then you demonstrate that you’re trustworthy, that when you’re given free money you don’t accept it, and you’re somebody who they can count on. So think about that sandcastle you built, you’re building another level on top of it that most people don’t have.


So in summary, If this situation happens to you or if someone you know gets overpaid by their employer, do not tell them to keep the money, do not keep the money yourself. Tell your employer that it’s happened. You’re trying to be a high performer, these are the sorts of things you need to do inch by inch to build your reputation. Don’t take the short-term benefit of accepting the money because it’s going to become worse for you in the long run.