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Foster Packaging case study

Foster Packaging Case Study

Foster Packaging (now known as Omniverse Foster Packaging Group after a recent merger) provides flexible packaging solutions Australian manufacturing businesses.  The business develops and promotes exciting, cutting-edge packaging to suit a wide spectrum of product types and requirements.  The aim of Omniverse Foster Packaging Group is to encapsulate the highest

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employee performance

What Should Be Required Before an Employee is Fired

A question I am often asked from small business owners is— How do I know whether to fire or keep an employee who is not performing? If you are an employer with this same inquiry, here is a set of questions that you should ask yourself before deciding to terminate

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terminating an employee

Terminating an Employee for Excessive Sick Leave

We get a lot of questions from small business owners and managers asking about the rules for terminating employees for excessive sick leave. The answer is that, employers aren’t able to fire an employee for taking too much sick leave.  They can only terminate an employee if they cannot fulfill

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small business recruitment

Should I Be Using Recruitment Agencies?

Are you thinking of hiring a new employee and find yourself unsure about how to begin? Do you find yourself contemplating whether or not you should use a recruitment agency?
If so, this post is for you! Read on to learn more as we make a case for and against outsourcing recruitment services.

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construction recruitment agencies

31 Flavours of HR Risk Management

There was an article I saw the other day that was titled “31 things you need to do before having a baby”. Gees, as if we didn’t have enough things on our to-do list already! What happened to the good old days when your wife got pregnant and you dealt

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Australian pay rates

How Much Should I Pay My Employees?

If you ask this question to most business owners, let’s be honest – the real question is: how low can I pay my employees and get away with it.  I understand why this is the case.  I’m a business owner too.  After all, it’s your own hard-earned money that you

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